Multipurpose Glass

This multipurpose glass is made using lamasa clay. It can be used for a variety of purposes - a pen stand on the study table or as the spoon stand on your dining table. These glasses can be made in variety of colours, size and shape. Also, I can change the exterior design on the glass. Doesn't need to be flowers only, can be anything.

Here is a new innovative idea from a simple mug bought from market @ throw away price with due innovation with lamasa art to create items with totally different comfort and aesthetic values which is just un-comparable to its original look ….!! Now think of some situation as below –

1)      You worry to keep your kid rejuvenated and motivated through the dull hours of his studies. It’s easy to create some bright spot on his / her table to achieve the same. Have a Pen Stand with the replicas of his favorite flowers peeping up from top of the holder. Moreover the Pen stand is customized in the favorite color of your kid.

2)      You think of having an attractive Spoon Holder to enrich the center of your Dining Table … Have a simple cup with variety of molded fruits in realistic colors hanging @ top of the edge. Every fruit is a miniature copy of actual and will convert center of your own Dining Table into the center of attraction when guests are around.

3)      You wish to organize your Dressing Table by keeping all small items like hair pins, combs, tubes and clippers together. Pick up a cup painted in fancy color matching with interiors of your bed room with miniature photo of yours / our loved ones on it duly made up around the perimeter … This decorated CLIP COLLECTOR in desired shape with Lamasa clay will be a new addition to fancy of your Dressing Table.

4)      You plan to make a theme based gift item for an occasion in the household.  Just describe the same to get some options created with mixture of clay and paint to have a gift conveying the uniqueness of the occasion. All recipients will be holding it for years to come to remember you and the occasion.

5)      You want to decorate your own Drawing Room by having some of your own idea molded into an item and kept in the rack … Share it and have the item made in clay on the cup with some bright shade to cover and you have got an item to occupy the coveted corner of your Drawing Room Rack. Be assured for it to provide the ice breaking topic for new visitors to your place.


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